Republicans would back postponing election if Trump asked - poll

Donald Trump.
Donald Trump. Photo credit: Reuters

A majority of Republicans in the US would support postponing the next presidential election if Donald Trump requested it, a new poll has found.

The Washington Post, which carried out the poll, asked voters the following two questions.

  • If Donald Trump were to say that the 2020 presidential election should be postponed until the country can make sure that only eligible American citizens can vote, would you support or oppose postponing the election?
  • What if both Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress were to say that the 2020 presidential election should be postponed until the country can make sure that only eligible American citizens can vote? Would you support or oppose postponing the election?

The poll found 52 percent would back a postponement if Mr Trump asked for it, while 56 percent would if both Mr Trump and Congress Republicans did.

There has been no evidence of widespread voter fraud in the US election. Intelligence agencies have determined Russia interfered to swing the election in Mr Trump's favour, but did not directly alter ballots. Authorities are investigating potential collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.

The poll also asked who won the popular vote in the 2016 election - 47 percent of Republicans wrongly said Mr Trump did. In fact, his rival Hillary Clinton received almost 3 million more votes.

Mr Trump has repeatedly claimed, without evidence, millions of people voted illegally - and he would have won if their votes weren't counted.
