NZ paralympian ski racer takes US title

  • Breaking
  • 07/01/2008

Paralympian New Zealand ski racer Adam Hall, of Outram, has won gold in Utah to claim the Huntsman Cup.
He took his seventh gold in a row, as part of the NorAm (North American) disabled alpine ski racing series.
Hall had strong competition from the United States team and other international skiers, racing giant slalom and slalom courses at the 21st annual Huntsman Cup at Park City Mountain Resort.
It was the first time a New Zealander had won the prize hosted by the National Ability Centre at Park City.
New Zealand team member Peter Williams, racing on his sit ski, had his first podium placing of the season, with a second place in one of the two slalom races.     

The team also used the Huntsman Cup as a chance to earn top marks and fine-tune skills before heading to World Cup races in Europe this week, in Austria and France.  


source: newshub archive