Dominic Harvey vs Chrystal Chenery: Jay Jay defends her husband

Dominic Harvey vs Chrystal Chenery: Jay Jay defends her husband

Dominic Harvey's wife has stepped in to defend her man as a war of words erupts between the radio DJ and Dancing with the Stars finalist Chrystal Chenery.

Harvey tweeted a screenshot of Chenery's legs in the air during a lift with dance partner Jonny Williams on Sunday night, in which the former Bachelor NZ contestant briefly exposed her underwear.

He captioned the image 'Chrystal just showing Art what he missed out on' - a reference to the Bachelor NZ star Art Green.

But in a lengthy post on Facebook this afternoon, Jay Jay Harvey says her husband is "sensitive" and "never intends to hurt or upset anyone in particular".

"Sometimes he offends people, but so do the best comedians. Not everyone gets or appreciates every joke in the world," she wrote.

"He doesn't like hurting people, and if this happens, he is deeply remorseful. It eats him up!!"

She said she may not always share the same viewpoint as her husband but would stand by him.

The post gained more than 15,000 likes and almost 1000 comments in under an hour.

After initially defending his post, Harvey later issued an apology statement and banned himself from social media.

"Last night during DWTS I took a screen cap of Chrystal dancing and posted it online with the caption, 'Chrystal just showing Art what he missed out on'," Harvey said in a statement.

"This was done with the intention of being funny with absolutely no malice intended. I deleted the post this morning as soon as I heard Chrystal wasn't ok with it. I'd like to apologise to Chrystal for any harm this caused her or anybody else.

"I'm now putting myself on a social media ban, apart from Linkden [sic] never know when you'll be looking for new employment opportunities," he said.

Harvey's wife had also appeared on Dancing with the Stars as a contestant.

Chenery, a former Bachelor NZ contestant, told the New Zealand Herald she would like Harvey's employer Mediaworks to discipline him for his actions.

"He has made a long list of errors of judgment on social media and on air and as far as I am concerned he should go," she said.

"These guys should be held accountable for their bad behaviour and I encourage listeners to look elsewhere for their entertainment."

Mediaworks, who owns both TV3 and The Edge, declined comment.

Chenery's former Bachelor NZ co-star Dani Robinson has also slammed Harvey, calling his sense of humor "disgusting".

Robinson tweeted her support for Chenery, saying she too had been subjected to comments from the radio host.

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