Taylor Swift wanted for deposition in trademark infringement case

  • 17/07/2015
Taylor Swift (AAP)
Taylor Swift (AAP)

Taylor Swift has been asked to sit for deposition questioning in a trademark infringement lawsuit.

The 'Shake It Off' hit maker was hit with legal action from California clothing company Blue Sphere Inc. last year for allegedly infringing on several of their 'Lucky 13' trademarks by using them on her own merchandise.

Bosses at Blue Sphere Inc. now want Swift to sit for a round of deposition questions as they believe she is hands-on with her business and in charge of dealing with trademarks.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, they have filed a motion asking a California judge to force Swift to sit through an interview, and Blue Sphere bosses say that are willing to travel to conduct the session during a break from her 1989 World Tour.

Their attorney Gary Rinkerman says, "Ms Swift would prefer not to be deposed, and their attorneys are acting on it. We have come back with the argument that she is very much in charge of her business and can say yes or no to a trademark."

A source tells the publication Swift's lawyers have filed a motion to dismiss the deposition request because she "has no relevant first hand knowledge of the allegations".

The case is set to head to trial in November.
