Happiest Christmas memories from nostalgic Newshubbers

The holiday season is always memorable and by gathering all the family together, there's always an opportunity for mayhem.

Newshub reporters and presenters are no exception so we thought we'd share some of our happiest Christmas memories.

Newshub reporter Tom McRae (Newshub.)

Tom McRae - Newshub Live at 6pm presenter and reporter

Everybody got drenched

"Me and my two brothers got super soakers, and then decided to drench all of the Christmas guests when we were kids.

"It didn't go down so well when everyone was sitting around the Christmas table, but it was great fun."

Tom McRae meeting santa for the first time
Tom McRae meeting santa for the first time
Newshub reporter Wilhelmina Shrimpton (Newshub.)

Wilhelmina Shrimpton - Reporter

My favourite present

"There was this gift shop up the road from me and my mum's house and we got to know the shop keeper quite well throughout the year.

"I just fell in love with this teddy bear and every time I would go up there I would always pick up the teddy bear and walk around the shop with it and talk to the shopkeeper.

"One year, that was one of the gifts that my mum got me and I think it was probably my most favourite present ever and I still have the teddy bear to this day."

Wilhelmina Shrimpton unpacking a present
Wilhelmina Shrimpton unpacking a present
Newshub reporter Jacob Brown (Newshub.)

Jacob Brown - Reporter

Corned beef on corn thins for Christmas dinner

"We went camping in Aiwakiri Hot Springs, just near Whakatane, and we hung out together for about a week - just me, my two sisters and my mum and dad.

"Things were a little tight so Christmas dinner in 2004 was corned beef on corn thins, and we crack up about it now but at the time we were not happy with that.

"We didn't do presents that year but it was one of the best times ever, because we weren't worrying about what we were getting, or what the other child got, we were just kind of hanging out and spending time in the pool.

"It wasn't so much about the materials things of what you're getting, it's just spending time together and hanging out."

Jacob Brown, left, with his siblings
Jacob Brown, left, with his siblings
Happiest Christmas memories from nostalgic Newshubbers

Shannon Redstall - Reporter

It was pony poop

"We got into the lounge and all the windows had wrapping paper on them, and dad comes in and says 'rip down the wrapping paper'. We ripped down the wrapping paper and outside was a trampoline.

"How you get a trampoline in the backyard without your children knowing is beyond me, but anyway we ran outside and there was candy canes and there were tracks from sleighs and there was poo. And we thought, 'Oh my gosh, Santa has been here with his reindeers - this is the best Christmas ever.'

"I found out years later Dad had been to a pony paddock relatively close to our house, collected this poo, and then as they dragged the trampoline along the garden from our neighbour's house it had made what we thought were reindeer sleigh tracks, and it all just came together."

Newshub reporter Shannon Redstall at Christmas as a child
Shannon and her brother Caleb
Newshub reporter Michelle Pickles (Newshub.)

Michelle Pickles - Newshub Live at 6pm sports presenter and reporter

We'd ski on Christmas Day

"When I was living in Vancouver and we had no family over there, there were probably 12 or 13 of us Kiwis. It was a white Christmas and we used to go up and ski.

"So we'd ski on Christmas day up on Whistler and we would all have Christmas dinner on the mountain and it was just a really nice feeling because we had no family but we were each other's family."

Michelle Pickles celebrating Christmas on the 3News set
Michelle Pickles celebrating Christmas on the 3News set
Newshub entertainment editor Kate Rodger (Newshub.)

Kate Rodger - Newshub entertainment editor

It sounds gross but it was great

"We were at a bach up north and we were having a really basic simple Christmas, it was just close family - my mother, my father and my brother and my tiny little sister.

"And we had brandy snaps filled with cream, my favourite thing ever, and we had the giggles for some reason and somebody said something just as I was sucking the cream out and I needed to interject.

"I sucked an entire brandy snap worth of cream, choking, literally choking, then spat it out of my throat, splattering everyone at the table with cream.

"It sounds gross but it happens to be one of my favourite memories."

Kate Rodger and her brother Juan at the beach
Kate Rodger and her brother Juan at the beach
Newshub presenter Mike McRoberts (Newshub.)

Mike McRoberts - Newshub Live at 6pm presenter

My first Christmas as a dad

"Ben was 10 months old and at that really inquisitive age and just a bundle of joy, and we went down to Hamilton to his grandmother's place.

"We'd bought him all these presents, just completely splashed out and gone nuts, and the one thing he loved was something that his grandmother had given him which was an ice cream container with a bunch of pegs inside it.

"She'd wrapped it up as a bit of a joke present but that was the only thing he played with the whole Christmas.

"Christmas does change when you're a father, and over the years it's been such a joy spending that time with your family."

Mike McRoberts and his dog Manu (Supplied)
Mike McRoberts and his dog Manu (Supplied)
Newshub reporter Alex O'Hara (Newshub.)

Alex O'Hara - Newshub Live at 6pm weather presenter

I was so happy I cried.

"I was about 12, I was quite obsessed with tennis at the time, and I got a ticket to the Heineken Open up in Auckland.

"I'm from Feilding so going up to Auckland in itself was quite a big event, but going to the tennis was amazing.

"When I got given tickets I started crying because I was so happy. I know it's sad but true."
