Britney Spears rejects religion amid ongoing tension with her sons Preston and Jayden

Britney Spears
Britney Spears has turned her back on religion. Photo credit: Getty Images

Britney Spears has revealed she no longer believes in God.

The popstar, who was baptised as a Southern Baptist as a child, declared in a voice message posted to her Instagram page on Monday that she had rejected religion as a result of ongoing tension between herself and her sons Preston, 16, and Jayden, 15, following the termination of her conservatorship last November.

"It saddens me not one of you has valued me as a person," she stated. "You've witnessed how my family has been with me...Honestly, my dad needs to be in jail for the rest of his life.

"But as I said, God would not have let this happen to me. If a God existed. I don't believe in God anymore because of the way my children and my family have treated me. There is nothing to believe in anymore. I'm an atheist y'all."

Britney went on to single out Jayden, whom she shares with ex-husband Kevin Federline, for making comments about their relationship in an interview for 60 Minutes.

"I can totally understand why my family would have a problem with me doing my own thing. Maybe 'cause I never have. I'm sure it is a little bit different and a touch lighter, me not being responsible for three 18-wheeler trucks with tour equipment and thousands of people to be responsible for on tour," the 40-year-old continued, before accusing her son of "undermining" her behaviour. "So Jayden, as you undermine my behaviour just like my family always has, with, 'Hope she gets better, I will pray for her.' Pray for what? I keep working so I can pay off mom's legal fees and her house?"

To conclude, Britney seemingly threatened to cut her sons off from her fortune.

"Do you guys want me to get better so I can continue to give your dad $40,000 a month? Or is the reason behind you guys deciding to be hateful because it's actually over in two years and you don't get anything?" she asked.

Jayden has not yet responded to his mother's latest comments.