Inside Black Grace's most ambitious, most expensive project yet

New Zealand Pacific contemporary dance company Black Grace has launched what it calls its most ambitious project yet and it doesn't even involve a stage.

The Art of Black Grace 1/5 is an interactive, part-performance, part-exhibition and part-archive show which is displayed on a 360 degree structure of LED panels in Auckland's Wynyard Quarter.

Visitors get to be immersed in the world of contemporary dance and undergo a sensory overload inside a portable structure.

Artistic director Neil Ieremia said it's probably the most expensive project Black Grace has put together in their 27-year history.

"People always ask what it would be like to be in the middle of a dance, it's like being in the middle of a ruck, probably," he told Newshub.

"Dancers tearing across stage 100 miles an hour so I wanted to create that sense for people in here."

The 22 minute show is displayed on 288 square metres of LED panels which are positioned inside a 6m high structure.

Music and animation are also included in the display.

The show is also inspired by moments which shaped Aotearoa like the Dawn Raids and the nuclear-free journey.

"Eventually the idea is to have five of these types of experiences, all different, all individual touring at the same time," Ieremia said.

He hoped all five would one day be collected in a mega-experience for audiences to enjoy.

The Art of Black Grace 1/5 is on at Karanga Plaza in Auckland's Wynyard Quarter until December 10.