Review: She Said is a must-see watch on the reporting into the Harvey Weinstein abuse scandal

Five years on from the New York Times article which broke the Harvey Weinstein abuse scandal, She Said has been released.

It's a film about the reporters and the women behind the story.

Five years ago, New York Times reporters Megan Towhey and Jodie Kantor - played by Oscar-nominated actors Carey Mulligan and Zoe Kazan - broke a story that would change the world.

It poured a megatonne of fuel onto the #MeTwo movement which saw the arrest and incarceration of the rapist and serial abuser Harvey Weinstein.

Like the Oscar-winning Spotlight before it, She Said shines a light not just on the abusers but on the essential role investigative journalism has.

With the excellent Patricia Clarkson as Rebecca Corbett their editor and champion, the two young working mothers are unrelenting in pursuit of Weinstein and his enablers, never giving up on the women brave enough to speak with them either privately or eventually publically.

The true story is so well-known, it's a testament to the telling of it that my visceral emotional reaction as the closing credits rolled was so explosive. 

The strength and the sacrifice it takes from full-time working mothers and their families to work a story like this and the insight the film gives us to understand that - along with of course the horror of the systemic abuse of the women within an industry which allows it

She Said is a must-see five-star watch.