Video: Hilarious moment AM host Ryan Bridge goes into simulated labour

  • 21/04/2023

AM host Ryan Bridge went into simulated labour on Friday morning just before his co-host Melissa Chan-Green heads on maternity leave.

As Bridge prepared to go into simulated labour, he was shown videos of other men who had done the same.

"Looking at those videos, I'm now officially scared, I thought this was going to be a walk in the park," he said. 

Doula Sarah Merfield told AM the device is normally used to help distract people when they're going through labour. But because Bridge wasn't in labour it would help simulate it. 

"What it helps you do, these little electrons that you've (Ryan) got on your back, it pulses and goes through your nervous system and then that sort of restricts you to have pain signals to your brain or to your back."

Merfield flicked the switch and Bridge appeared to seemingly cope with the pain throughout the 'labour'.

"Ahhhhh, I'm immediately opening my legs, I guess that's the point," he laughed.

Merfield told AM in an actual labour environment the woman would slowly increase the intensity of the pulses.

But it was at the request of Chan-Green, Bridge was given a boost. 

"Ohhhh! Oh my god," Bridge screamed as he leapt across the couch.

Watch the hilarious video above.