Singer-songwriter Mitch James surprises mum with new song Mumma and Me for Mother's Day

We all know our mothers put up with a lot raising us, but New Zealand singer-songwriter Mitch James, a self-described rascal, may have found the perfect way to pay his mum back just in time for Mother's Day.

In the video of his new song 'Mumma and Me', his mum Viv is the star of the show, despite her having no idea it was happening.

"She thinks she's walking into me showing her the video for the first time, but the joke's on her, because she is the video," James said.

Supported by the Dunedin Symphony Orchestra, James' new song 'Mumma and Me' comes to life.

"It was a beautiful surprise and amazing to play with an orchestra as well," James told Newshub.

"She wasn't expecting that, let's put it that way."

The song is not just a tribute to his mum but a record of their journey, good and bad. He reckons it's a universal theme for most families.

"I reckon we all join forces as a team, we all share this with our mothers and then nobody loses," James replied.

Having recently become an independent artist, James said he's loving finding his authentic self, and what could be more genuine than a song about your mum.

Watch Mike McRoberts' full story above, or Mitch James' full performance here.