US woman's 'Ex-Boyfriend List' database for allegedly bad partners divides internet

Woman shocked looking at phone
One woman has taken it upon herself to set up a database that allows women to share their not-so-good experiences with former flames - an initiative dubbed the "TripAdvisor for exes". Photo credit: Getty Images / The Ex-Boyfriend List

During the early stages of dating, it's not uncommon for people to wish their prospective partner came with a manual; a how-to guide penned by lovers past, complete with warnings, a safety rating and ideally, a warranty. 

Before committing to anything new, many of us tend to Google the reviews, right? Is this going to make my life better, or worse?

So if you're working out whether a new beau is worth your time, one woman has taken it upon herself to set up a database that allows women to share their not-so-good experiences with former flames - an initiative dubbed the "TripAdvisor for exes".

Created by US-based blog editor Tracy Teagan, the 'Ex-Boyfriend List' encourages women to share their stories about the men they've been involved with in a bid to alert other women to their alleged downfalls.

But the website is copping backlash, with many questioning the morality of the premise and whether it's appropriate to potentially ruin dating prospects for some men. 

"We all have that jerk of an ex-boyfriend we want to report, and luckily you now have a place to do just that. This is your very own bad boyfriend database, or as we like to call it, the ex-boyfriend list!" the website's description reads.

"All you need to know about us is that we are out here for girls who have gone through the worst at the hands of a man who didn't appreciate them enough.

"This database is for you because through this process that we have built, you can reveal the truth about him and save lives.

"This initiative is solely out there to help all those girlfriends who you have personally seen suffering, or for girls you do not wish to suffer at the hands of someone you know is capable enough."

The Ex-Boyfriend List website - screengrab
Photo credit: The Ex-Boyfriend List

According to the Daily Mail, Teagan was inspired to start the forum when a relative of hers was battling through a bitter divorce.

"I've also experienced my own bad break-up, and I was left heartbroken. I just wanted a place to share my story," Teagan said, as reported by the publication.

"It was a really ugly end to our relationship. I had been cheated on. It was the most traumatising experience of my life because I had been lied to this entire time.

"Being that traumatised, I just needed a place to express myself and tell others who understood me."

The Ex-Boyfriend List website - screengrab
Photo credit: The Ex-Boyfriend List

Readers of the 'Ex-Boyfriend List' can comment on submissions to verify or dispute the claims, and the site also features a search function where users can look up the name of their partner for any incriminating allegations. 

While submissions are required to include the ex's name, city and state, personal information - including their private phone number, address, workplace, and any family information - cannot be shared.

While the site has amassed hundreds of entries, some have been questioning on social media whether the supposedly "cathartic" solution to a bad breakup is morally questionable.

"This is absolutely abhorrent as it's totally subjective and can do untold damage to a person based on just an opinion! This should be stopped immediately!" one person wrote on Facebook, as per

"I'm mixed on this - it might help other people see through their BS and save them from terrible heartache," another added.

"There are serial users (both male and female) who consistently don't tell the truth and just want to use someone to make them feel better."

A third weighed in: "It's not cool. There's three sides to every story. Hers, his and the truth."

The Ex-Boyfriend List website - screengrab
Photo credit: The Ex-Boyfriend List

According to reports, Teagan herself has acknowledged that some men featured on the site have contacted her to dispute the allegations against them, claiming they were categorically false.

While the creator has also admitted the allegations are "hard to prove either way", she maintains her site has also "saved women from bad situations" and created a safe space for women to share their stories.