Kate Hudson reveals she uses olive oil as a beauty treatment

Kate Hudson
Kate Hudson. Photo credit: Kate Hudson / Via Instagram: @katehudson

It might be a nice accompaniment to a salad, but according to Kate Hudson, olive oil is also a great addition to a skincare routine. 

The Almost Famous actress, who undoubtedly has access to all of the latest products on the market, revealed in an interview for Prevention that she prefers simple extra-virgin olive oil to many high-end formulas when it comes to caring for her face.

"For me, you just drink it. Tablespoon, any kind of extra virgin olive oil. Even when I'm cooking, I know this sounds crazy, but I'll put olive oil on my hands and I'll use it and I'll just wipe that on my face," she told the publication. 

"But you're supposed to eat it, and I'm like, 'No, it goes everywhere.' It feels amazing. Just try it. Just put it on your skin and you'll be like, 'Oh my God!' You have all of these face oils and things... olive oil on your skin is amazing."

In addition to eating fermented foods to boost her gut health, Hudson also believes the secret to great skin is drinking plenty of water.

"For me, it's water. It's free. Honestly. If you are more hydrated, you won't feel so dry. It's all inside out for me," the 43-year-old added.

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