Musk vs Zuckerberg: Fitness brand reveals who would be more likely to win proposed cage fight

Composite of Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk against backdrop of a MMA cage
Who has the edge? A health and fitness brand has weighed in. Photo credit: Photo illustration - Newshub; Images - Getty Images

Multi-billionaires Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg have agreed via social media to engage in a "cage match" - but while Musk has the higher net worth, which hotshot has a higher chance of winning in a physical fight? 

Last week the tech titans seemingly agreed to engage in physical combat after a recent war of words that saw Musk lash out at rumoured plans by Meta - founded by Zuckerberg - to launch a text-based social media rival to his Twitter.

In a recent Meta meeting, it was suggested by the company's chief product officer Chris Cox that its version of a mico-blogging platform would be "sanely run" - an apparent dig at Musk, whose leadership of Twitter has been highly controversial.

If they follow through, Musk said the pair will fight at the iconic UFC venue, the UFC Apex arena - also known as the Octagon - in Las Vegas. 

Unlike in business, however, the two billionaires can't simply throw money at one another: a cage match involves two fighters battling it out in an enclosed location, such as a cage or other confined area. Cage fighting is considered a relatively dangerous full-contact sport, combining different styles of fighting - typically elements of wrestling and boxing.

Now, a US-based health and fitness brand has weighed in on whether Musk or Zuck would be more likely to win, based on their respective diets and exercise routines.

A spokesperson for Total Shape - an Indiana-based independent fitness website and network of personal trainers and nutritionists - noted that while any body type can compete in cage fighting, there are elements that can work in a competitor's favour, such as their style of training.

When it comes to Zuckerberg, the spokesperson noted he stands at roughly 171cm, or about 5-foot-7-inches, and weighs approximately 70kg.

Alternatively, Musk stands at about 5-foot-11-inches and weighs around 81kg. Both men have different physiques: Musk, 52, has a larger, broader structure, whilst Zuckerberg, 39, has a far smaller build. 

Zuckerberg has a known interest in fitness: he has won two medals in a Brazilian jiu-jitsu tournament and recently participated in the 'Murph Challenge', which consists of running a mile, completing 100 pull-ups, 200 press-ups and 300 squats, before running a further mile, all while wearing a 9kg weighted vest. 

Zuckerberg has also been training with pro MMA fighter Khai 'The Shadow' Wu since September last year.

"Zuckerberg's ability to complete extreme fitness challenges and technique with mixed martial arts showcases he has substantial ability and endurance. Completing the widely recognised 'Murph Challenge' in 39 minutes 58 seconds is also extremely impressive," the spokesperson for Total Shape said.

In regards to Musk's exercise routine, he is known to have a personal trainer and reportedly lifts weights, but has previously admitted he "wouldn't exercise at all if [he] could". Last year the Tesla CEO told Joe Rogan he had dabbled in taekwondo, karate, judo and Brazilian jiu-jitsu, but confessed he was finding it harder to stay lean in his older age. 

While Zuckerberg is known to favour a primarily vegetarian diet as of late and reportedly has a penchant for grilled chicken, Musk has previously declared, "I'd rather eat tasty food and live a shorter life."

"Zuckerberg is more about hiking and high-endurance activities that naturally build a leaner body. In contrast, Musk is more in favour of strength training and will have power in his corner. Therefore, when it comes down to who would win, it is agility vs strength," the spokesperson said. 

"Competitors with high levels of agility continue to make their way to the top of the sport time and time again. An example being Conor McGregor, whose speed and agility has become the gold standard. 

"When it comes down to the ideal body type and general endurance and skill for cage fighting, Mark Zuckerberg would have the upper hand. With a high protein diet and demonstrative skills in mixed martial arts - he would most likely win."

However, the spokesperson noted that Musk's stronger build and longer reach may work in his favour in combat. 

"Having strength and a longer reach can give a fighter a lead when it comes to forceful striking and making it more difficult for the opponent to strike back. Therefore, with Musk's… broader, stockier build, his extra height could give him the upper hand. If he were to make it difficult for Zuckerberg to grapple and control earlier on in the fight, he could take the upper hand. 

"Both strength and techniques are important in MMA. Whilst strength will always play a role in fighting, knowing how to strike, grapple, and ground fight well is a significant advantage. 

"Placing both titans in a cage, Mark Zuckerberg would have the edge of agility and endurance needed to take Musk down - given Musk isn't able to forcefully strike him earlier on in the fight."

On Tuesday, Musk appeared to accept an offer by UFC legend Georges St-Pierre to train him for the proposed fight, after receiving a similar offer from accused human trafficker Andrew Tate.

Weighing in on Zuckerberg's planned showdown with Musk earlier this week, Wu told Forbes:
"[Zuckerberg] works really hard. He's a really nice guy to be honest with you. I'm not sure how the fight will play out, so I don't want to speculate, but I'm like you, I'm like 'how crazy is this?'"

Wu described the Meta chief as a "student of the game" and said he "shows up, trains hard, puts in the effort".

Meanwhile, gambling organisations have published odds about the potential match and some are taking bets: as of Friday, Zuckerberg's odds were - 1/5 (-500), or implied chance of 83.3 percent, while Musk's were - 2/1 (+300), or implied chance of 25 percent.