Newshub Lifestyle's most memorable stories from the last few years

Composite of images against pink background
It's the end of an era. Photo credit: Newshub

It's the end of an era: since its inception in 2017, Newshub Lifestyle has been covering the weirdest and wackiest stories in New Zealand media.

We've never shied away from a good headline (yes, some may call it clickbait), we've curated many a listicle, and ultimately, we've dedicated our lives to the pursuit of journalistic excellence - as evidenced by this story of mine, "Glass sex toys: From temperature play to safety, here's everything you need to know".

From fashion and beauty to health and wellness, from profiles and human interest to relationships and sex, from op-eds and reviews to food and drink news, we've had our fingers on the pulse of the lifestyle beat for the last seven years. Some stories have been deep, investigative pieces; others have been fluffy, frivolous write-ups. Some have sparked backlash; others have tugged heartstrings.

The lifestyle genre cops a fair bit of flak: it wouldn't be a story of mine if it didn't attract at least one "Why is this news?" comment on Facebook. As fluffy as it may be, lifestyle is also an incredibly broad and wide-ranging genre that allows its journalists to dig into a myriad of diverse topics. From op-eds on anorexia nervosa to deep dives on plastic surgery (and the occasional puff piece on a "must-have" beauty product), lifestyle's place in the media landscape shouldn't be understated. It's often these stories that resonate with readers the most, or can make someone feel less alone in their struggles. They can bring awareness to important issues, or offer some escapism in an otherwise sad and scary world. When the news is simply too dark, the lifestyle section can provide light. 

Ahead of Newshub's closure this evening, I thought we should look back at some of the most memorable lifestyle stories of the past few years. Whether you're a regular reader or one of our most fervent haters, thank you for your readership and support. We can't do it without you.

Below is a selection of Newshub Lifestyle's most memorable stories from 2021-2024 (data prior to 2021 was unfortunately lost to the annals of time).

The most read: Aussie student diagnosed with terminal brain cancer shares the warning signs she ignored for months 

The most controversial: British expats reveal struggles with living in New Zealand, including poor banter and local 'lack of interest' in others 

The most sexy: TikTok shock over video of 'blanket couple' caught 'having sex' in crowded park in broad daylight 

The most backlash: Early mornings, no new clothes: Wellington woman offers advice on having a successful affair 

The most backlash #2: Vaccination etiquette on New Zealand's dating scene and how to navigate the 'unvaxxed' dealbreaker 

The most clicky: Fitness model mum hits back at parents who slated her for wearing 'inappropriate' outfit during the school run 

The most 'pinch-me' moment: Review: I drove the new Land Rover Defender 130 through the Arabian desert and this is what it was like

The most confronting: Naz Khanjani warns women to 'do their research' after being hospitalised from popular but deadly cosmetic surgery

The most high fashion: New Zealand Fashion Week 2023: The Spring/Summer trends we loved the most

Pre-2021 honourable mention: Doctors warn women to stop putting toothpaste in their vaginas

And that's a wrap!