Job losses will continue to mount while wage growth stalls, says ASB chief economist Nick Tuffley

  • 05/07/2024

ASB's chief economist says wage growth is slowing and unemployment will rise in the coming months. 

Nick Tuffley joined the final AM show on Friday morning to discuss employment and the economic outlook. 

He told AM co-host Lloyd Burr ASB is forecasting job growth will be "flat" overall, and the economic pain will get worse before it improves.

"There are some industries that are going backwards. Some areas are going forward like healthcare, education are some examples," Tuffley said.

Job insecurity was also rising at the same time, he added. 

"That's also been triggered by what's happening with the Government as well." 

Tuffley said wage growth is slowing, and unemployment will continue to rise. That's because net migration is still at high levels, plus school and university leavers are looking for work too, he said.

"It's always darkest before the dawn."

Watch the full interview above.