Christchurch freedom camping sites closed

Freedom campers at French Farm (Thomas Mead)
Freedom campers at French Farm (Thomas Mead)

Contamination has forced the closure of the beach at French Farm on Banks Peninsula and five Christchurch freedom camping spots.

Christchurch City Council has announced the temporary closure of the sites until May 31.

Test results received today shows contamination of the beach.


Freedom camping has residents flushed

Newshub.The closures at Wainui, Addington Park carpark, Lower Styx River and Windsport Park prohibit any form of freedom camping at the non-self-contained freedom camping restricted areas from 12pm March 16 to May 31.

Canterbury medical officer of health Dr Alistair Humphrey welcomed the announcement and says the health and safety of beach users is a priority. 

The original septic tank has been drained and it appears there is a leakage somewhere, he says.

"The water is heavily contaminated…[by] human contamination of the seawater at French Farm,"

"The risks there are predominantly gastro illnesses, some of those could potentially be quite serious."

The council is encouraging campers to make use of the range of affordable camping grounds across the district, council chief executive Dr Karleen Edwards says.

Restricted freedom camping in self-contained vehicles remains in place for limited stays inside the city's urban boundaries including urban and other areas on Banks Peninsula, except for the self-contained site at French Farm, in accordance with the Council's Freedom Camping Bylaw introduced last year.

 A detailed map of freedom camping boundaries and restrictions is available on the Council's website at

The Wainui, Addington Park car park, Lower Styx River and Windsport Park facilities will remain open to residents and visitors for daytime use -- only camping is prohibited.

The council is currently providing information to freedom campers about the temporary closures and will closely monitor the sites over the period to ensure campers comply.

A fine of $200 can be issued if someone is found freedom camping, or making preparations to freedom camp, in a local authority area.

The closures are up for review in May.