Porirua siege: Man found dead at scene


The man who shot dead a police dog in Porirua yesterday died overnight in a Kokiri Cres address, after barricading himself from police in the upper end of the house.

The man is yet to be formally identified, but he is believed to be 29-year-old Pita Tekira, Wellington district commander Superintendent Sam Hoyle says.

Through the remote camera, police could identify a firearm was present with Mr Tekira, who was alone in a room, but police cannot comment further on how Mr Tekira died.

Porirua siege: Man found dead at scene

"Despite all our efforts to negotiate with Mr Tekira to seek a safe end to the incident, officers this morning found him dead at the scene.

"This is certainly not the outcome that anyone wanted, and our thoughts are now with his whanau as we continue to investigate the circumstances of his death," he says.

"We continued to negotiate for many, many hours," says Supt Hoyle, but Mr Tekira had barricaded one end of the house.

"I can confirm that he put some effort into making entry into the upper part of the house difficult."

Supt Hoyle says police had gone through a long process of carefully approaching Mr Tekira since midday yesterday.

"Eventually we knew we had to enter and confirm what had occurred at the address," he says.

Porirua siege: Man found dead at scene


The last communication police had with Mr Tekira was approximately just before midnight, Supt Hoyle says.

"He did speak to us, he was responsive and communication and our people used all tactics available."

Methamphetamine is rumoured to be involved, but this has not been confirmed by police.

He acknowledges the "huge effort" of police staff over the "hideous hours in average conditions".

Police did not fire any shots and no officers were injured during today's operations.

Porirua siege: Man found dead at scene

Kokiri Cres (Newshub.)

Police have advised whanau of Mr Tekira's death and will continue to support them over the coming days. There will be a number of investigations and formal inquiries to follow.

There will be a police presence in the street for the next few days, as there are two crime scenes on the street -- one house where police dog Gazza was shot, and another house Mr Tekira moved into.

"Cordons will shrink back as we examine the ground around the two houses.

"We understand he had been staying at the house where he is now for some days prior," Supt Hoyle says.

Residents of the house are continuing to talk to police today and tomorrow, and residents of Kokiri Cres can return to their homes today.

Supt Hoyle says the last few should be "in before nightfall". He thanked the Porirua community and residents of Kokiri Cres, who have been directly affected by the ongoing operation.

"Our thanks also goes to Te Horouta Marae, which provided food and accommodation to those residents."

Police expect the cordons in the area to be lifted once all the necessary scene examinations have taken place.

An officer who was injured on Friday after jumping to safety from a second-storey window during the original incident remains in a stable condition, police say. He is in hospital receiving medical treatment, and is being supported by family and police colleagues.

"We also greatly appreciate the many messages of support that we have received for the injured officer and also for police dog Gazza who died doing his duty."

Porirua siege: Man found dead at scene

Porirua Mayor Nick Leggett says it's not the outcome anybody wanted, and it's been a traumatic 24 hours for residents.

"The people who live in Kokiri Cres have had their lives disrupted as well, and it's going to take a little bit of time now I think for them to get things together."

But he says there has been an outpouring of support, and "linking of arms".

The Te Horouta Marae served 85 people dinner last night, and 40 people who were affected in the street.

Porirua siege: Man found dead at scene

Porirua Mayor Nick Leggett (Newshub.)

"With the Te Horouta Marae opening last night for dinner to support the residents that were displaced from their homes -- it's a classic show of the Porirua way."

He says there was fantastic police response and strong support networks from Victim Support and the general Waitangirua community.

"It's a good demonstration of the Porirua community spirit. It's unfortunate that events like this have to sometimes bring us together."

Porirua siege: Man found dead at scene


As it unfolded:
