Yoga helping prisoners to rehabilitate


Some of New Zealand's toughest criminals have turned to yoga in a bid to reduce recidivism and help with their rehabilitation.

The yoga education in prisons trust runs classes in six prisons across the country, and says it's currently in talks with four others.

The trust believes the classes help inmates deal with anger, stress and trauma. Many regulars at the weekly class at Auckland Region Women's Corrections Facility in Wiri say its teachings have been hugely helpful.

One prisoner who we can't identify used to struggle with depression, and says the yoga classes have given her the chance to become mindful.

She says classes like this have helped her to let go, and keep calm in stressful situations.

"I broke my finger not too long ago, so I was thinking about my breathing and controlling that, instead of what happened to me. So I didn't feel the pain."

Another inmate says she's lost 20kg through yoga and exercise at the prison in the past 6 months.

"I've really enjoyed it, it's been therapeutic as well and I'd really like to carry on the outside."

She says she plans to practice with her family when she's released on parole next week.

Prison staff believe the techniques learnt here will help to curb reoffending.

"They're not only utilising the (yoga) skills in here, but when they're released back to their families they are able to use that with them," says corrections officer Daisy Fau Tanuvasa. 

Yoga instructor Gemma Hogan has been teaching at the women's prison for nearly two years  and says she'd like to properly train some of the inmates.

"So then what they can do on some of the days when I'm not here, you know? they can teach each other.

"In the morning, they could do a round of sun salutations."

Some of the other prisons offering the classes include the maximum security prison in Paremoremo, Mt Eden Corrections Facility and Rimutaka Prison.

The Yoga Trust says it is now looking at establishing classes for former prisoners, and hopes to launch them next year. 
