45 years as first female elevator operator still fascinated by Durie Hill

45 years as first female elevator operator still fascinated by Durie Hill

In Whanganui, a lift attendant was a man's job. That was until Zena Mabbott became the first female operator of the Durie Hill elevator.

She was 23-years-old on her first day and she has been there for 45 years now.

She knows everything about the underground elevator which connects river level dwellers with the suburb on the hill.

"The elevator is one-of-a-kind in the southern hemisphere. As soon as you leave the top, you're inside the hill," says Ms Mabbott.

She's still finding ways to keep things fresh after 45 years in the job and she remains fascinated by the attraction.

It's 200m long and a 12 foot drop between the two ends.

So does Ms Mabbott have any plans to retire soon?

Watch the video for the full Story report.