Kmart online shopping only months away

  • 11/01/2017
kmart online shopping months away
Kmart aims to open two or three New Zealand stores a year by 2020.

Kmart has launched an online store in New Zealand, but keen shoppers will have to hold off for a few more months.

Customers can already view the products available on the website, but can't make any purchases for now. Kmart says the website will go live "in the coming months".

The discount department store, founded in the United States, covers a range of home, entertainment, beauty and clothing products.

Late-night shoppers rejoiced in early 2016 when the Australian branch of the retail giant announced a website was in the pipeline.

It followed a petition to bring an online shopping option which gained 3700 signatures. Dozens of users posted on the Kmart NZ Facebook Page with the same request.

Kmart's continuing to expand in New Zealand and aims to open two or three stores a year by 2020.

The company's sister brand, Target, has an online store using the Trade Me auction site.
