New Auckland-Northland motorway route revealed

  • 14/02/2017
New Auckland-Northland motorway route revealed

The New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) has announced the proposed route for a new connection between Warkworth and Wellsford, north of Auckland.

They say it will make travel safer, faster and easier between the two regions.

NZTA Northland director Ernst Zollner says the proposed route is predicted to reduce the fatal and serious injury crash rate by 80%.

"Removing sharp bends, providing better passing opportunities and a dual carriageway to separate north and southbound traffic will improve safety and is predicted to reduce the fatal and serious injury crash rate by 80% through this area."

Transport Minister Simon Bridges says the indicated route shows progress is being made in developing the Warkworth to Wellsford section of the Pūhoi to Wellsford Road of National Significance.

"It will reduce the overall travel time between Warkworth and Te Hana by bypassing town centres, and avoiding the steep and winding Dome Valley," Mr Bridges says.

"The straighter road alignment will also reduce the high crash rate through this area and reduce congestion and frustrations for motorists that often get stuck behind slow moving heavy vehicles."

The proposed route will be shared with the public for their feedback, and if it is confirmed it will be taken forward for a consenting and route protection process.

"Improving this road is part of the Government's commitment to ensuring transport infrastructure is in place to connect communities, get people to places of work and freight to key export markets, which are all vital in helping Northland's economy grow," Mr Bridges says.

State Highway 1 through the Dome Valley is susceptible to flooding, slips and ongoing repairs. NZTA say the location of the new motorway, to the west of the Dome Forest, will provide a reliable alternate route between Northland and Auckland.
