Cyclone Cook refills barren Selwyn River in Canterbury

  • 16/04/2017

Cyclone Cook will mostly be remembered for the damage it did, but in Canterbury it left behind one little bonus.

It's put water back in Canterbury's barren Selwyn River, which ran dry this summer.

The river is now running high at the once-popular swimming hole by Coe's Ford. At its peak, the water flow was as much as 12 cubic metres a second.

The river dried up in February, leaving eels and fish trapped in muddy pools along what was left of the waterway.

Selwyn resident Shannon Bray is happy to see the water back, but says it's not a permanent fix. 

"The way Selwyn works is that it's a very gravelly river, so the water sits low in the aquifer, and once the water level drops, the river will go again," he says.

"It's all about refilling those aquifers."

The river is likely to continue its decline, with flows reaching record lows this year.
