'You have to leave': RSA poppy sellers kicked out of Auckland train station

  • 20/04/2017

RSA members selling poppies ahead of Anzac Day were kicked out of Auckland's Otahuhu train station on Thursday.

They had arrived around 7am and were greeting passengers when a security guard approached them.

"A security man came up to me and said, 'You don't have a permit to be here'," says Otahuhu RSA treasurer Lesley Guptill. "I looked at him and said, 'What permit?'"

Ms Guptill was given a phone number to call  but only got through to a call centre. As a result they were forced to leave.

"He said, 'You have to leave'," Ms Guptill says.

Ms Guptill says the way Auckland Transport treated her was disappointing.

"I was highly embarrassed, because I'm a person that likes to do the right thing, and our RSA works that way," she says.

"I also felt a bit hopeless, because there was nothing I could do about it."

Auckland Transport says it has apologised and has told the poppy sellers they're welcome to come back on Friday.

"It's really important. We're a smaller RSA so we have a very active welfare group, and we have some elderly people who need that money that we raise, and we use it to help them," Ms Guptill says.
