'Control freak alert' - Kiwi flat mocked for incredibly strict rules

  • 09/08/2017
The house rules were widely panned for ruining normal student flat fun.
The house rules were widely panned for ruining normal student flat fun. Photo credit: Facebook / Kiwis being Kiwis

A student flat's authoritarian set of rules have been lambasted after appearing to limit everything university flats are usually all about.

While raging parties, messy living areas, loud music and unexpected visitors are commonplace in many students' first rentals, this flat places restrictions on all of that.

One user on Facebook group Kiwis being Kiwis took a photo of the rules and posted it for the rest of the 20,000-strong group to see.

"So my friend moved into a flat, and apparently these are the house rules," they wrote as the caption.

'Control freak alert' - Kiwi flat mocked for incredibly strict rules
Photo credit: Facebook / Kiwis being Kiwis

"1: No party and loud music.

"2: No more noise and gathering in the dining room after 10pm.

"3: Do not bring friends often (especially at night).

"4. Keep everything clean and tidy

"5. Be mindful to others who want to study and sleep.

"6: To maintain comfort and privacy together, NOT ALLOWED to bring friend with opposite gender to the flat after 10pm, please inform other flatmates if your friend wants to come at least one day in advance so that everyone is well informed."

The set of rules has attracted criticism from hundreds of fellow users, with one commenting that he'd have more freedom at his parents' house than at that flat.

"F**k that!! Rip off," they wrote.

"Break every single rule from 1-6. You only live once, have fun with life. Control freak alert lol," another user commented.

However not everyone was critical of the rules - with many saying if they don't like the rules, they can go elsewhere.

"Some of the rules are a bit too far out there, but they have probably been made that way because idiots were just bringing over randoms making too much noise left, right and centre, killing it for those who do have courtesy and respect when living communally," one user said.

"I say if you don't like the rules, you can always move out."
