Touching story of two women who held hands during Christchurch earthquake

The Project has put the call out to connect two women who shared a touching moment during the Christchurch 2011 earthquake.

Jesse Mulligan shared the touching story on The Project on Friday night of one woman Mimi rang who he interviewed on his RNZ radio show some weeks ago.

Mimi was driving with her five-year-old daughter in the car when an aftershock hit. The woman in the car coming the other way stopped and she and Mimi reached out to each other and held hands as the aftershock rumbled. 

"It made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up," Jesse said of her story.

Mimi told Jesse how it was a moment she will never forget.

Now The Project is hoping to track down the other kind woman to reunite the two.

"If you're that woman get in touch it would be amazing to put those two together again," Jesse said. 

Watch the video for The Project's full story. 


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