Kim Dotcom's wife joins his legal team for Supreme Court extradition appeal

  • 20/12/2018
Kim Dotcom's wife joins his legal team for Supreme Court extradition appeal
Photo credit: Getty

Kim Dotcom has announced his wife, Elizabeth, will join the internet entrepreneur's legal team on the same day the New Zealand Supreme Court ruled it could hear Dotcom's appeal of his extradition to the United States.

Posting on Twitter, Dotcom said he was happy to announce his "brilliant" wife would be joining his legal team in the new year after graduating in Law and Business.

"I'm very proud to become her first client. What an excellent start for her career in the Supreme Court of New Zealand," he said.

The tweet was followed up with an image of Ms Dotcom holding an extremely large screenshot of what appears to be Supreme Court's judgement that the Kiwi court did have jurisdiction to hear Dotcom's appeal against his extradition. 

The Supreme Court will also hear his case, as well as that of his co-defendants Mathias Ortmann, Finn Batato and Bram van der Kolk.

The United States Government had been arguing the New Zealand Court did not have jurisdiction.

Ms Dotcom followed up the tweet with a post on her Instagram saying "love conquers all" and congratulating her husband on the judgement.

If his appeal fails, the decision of whether to extradite the group will fall to Justice Minister Andrew Little.

In 2012, the US filed an indictment against Dotcom and his associates, accusing them of racketeering and money laundering.

He was the owner of now-defunct site MegaUpload, which was accused of being a hub for the illegal sharing of copyrighted content.

The pair married in January at a ceremony in Coatesville, north of Auckland. On the same day, Dotcom also said he would be claiming damages from the Government for their role in his arrest.
