Doctors' strike won't affect urgent services - union

  • 04/01/2019

Junior doctors belonging to one union are assuring New Zealand they'll be showing up to work when their colleagues strike.

The Resident Doctors Association (RDA) has planned a 48-hour strike beginning at 7am on January 15.

Speciality Trainees of New Zealand (STONZ) chairperson Heath Lash says it won't come without cost.

"It will have a big impact on New Zealanders. It will really affect elective plans… acute services will not be affected."

Mr Lash says the union supports its colleagues' right to take industrial action.

Junior doctors will still be working their normal jobs while resident doctors strike.

"We'll be at work doing what we normally do. The workload will be reduced because the elective and planned procedures will be decreased as part of any strike action… It's going to be a difficult period for all the DHBs involved."

The RDA says the strike is over significant claw backs to terms and conditions of employment.

STONZ represents about 10 percent of all resident doctors, and signed an agreement with the DHBs in December.
