Aucklanders wake up to skies of fire

Afraid to get out of bed as the winter cold bites? Maybe shots like these will help.

Aucklanders have photographed stunning shots of the Monday morning sunrise, flocking to social media to share their best snaps.

Sonya Yelich, mum to pop singer Lorde, shot a reddish glow coming from the horizon over Rangitoto at 7:12am precisely.

"So lucky to have seen such a stunning sunrise," she wrote.

Tim Murphy, co-editor of, also shot the volcanic cone from his home, calling it a "pretty spectacular start to this Auckland winter's day".

Another view of orange and yellows over the water was snapped by Kenny Williams, this time catching The Cloud in frame.

"I'm heading into the office at sunrise and what a sunrise it is!"

MediaWorks radio station More FM put out a call for more on its Facebook page, and listeners responded.

One shot, taken in Papamoa, showed the sky turning from yellow at the horizon to purple overhead.

Another showed a break in the clouds over a dark city landscape, a lone street lamp struggling to compete with the striking views overhead.

In one snap, it appeared the sky was literally on fire.

Similar views welcomed the city on a Monday morning back in May. WeatherWatch forecaster Philip Duncan told Newshub they're caused by high cloud sandwiched between high and low pressure systems - and that they likely signalled rain ahead.

He told Newshub it's a similar setup this time around.

"The high has dragged in a veil of thick widespread cloud - then the rising sun way out to the east manages to light it up in that brief moment between the sun rising from above the sea in the east, to the current cloud over the New Zealand area blocking that direct sunlight out.

"So the early morning orange/dusty sunrise lights up the clouds like a spot light on a ceiling - until it rises above the ceiling of cloud, then it turns grey and dull again."

He provided Newshub with satellite shots proving the orange glow was even visible from space.

The sunrise from the sky.
The sunrise from the sky. Photo credit: WeatherWatch/supplied

"Note the orange/rusty tint to the clouds out in the Tasman Sea when this image was taken - they'd be getting the same orange sky treat too (if anyone lived there)."
