Coronavirus: One new case of COVID-19 at New Zealand's border

Coronavirus: One new case of COVID-19 at New Zealand's border
Photo credit: Getty

New Zealand has recorded one new case of coronavirus, which was caught in managed isolation.

It has now been 78 days since the last case of COVID-19 was acquired locally from an unknown source.

Saturday's new case is a man in his 50s who arrived in New Zealand on July 12. He had travelled from Central Africa via Tanzania, Doha and Brisbane.

The man was transferred to a quarantine facility in Auckland on Friday.

This brings New Zealand's total number of confirmed cases to 1200. This does not include probable cases, but is the number reported to the World Health Organization.

There are currently 22 active cases in the country.

No one is receiving hospital-level care for COVID-19.

The Ministry of Health said their laboratories completed 2403 tests in the last 24 hours, bringing the total completed to 441,123.

This comes after Minister of Health Chris Hipkins updated the testing criteria for COVID-19 in an effort to bring testing rates up.

Testing numbers had decreased over the school holidays to under 2000 which Hipkins said it "isn't where it needs to be".

"As part of the further guidance which has gone out last night, clinicians are also being offered tests to others presenting to health services with symptoms that are consistent with COVID-19 or are likely to experience more severe consequences if they were to contract COVID-19," he said on Wednesday.