COVID-19: Zero new cases of coronavirus in New Zealand, no community transmission for 101 days

No new cases of coronavirus have been detected at New Zealand's quarantine and isolation facilities in the past 24 hours, the Ministry of Health says.

New Zealand is in its 101st day of no community transmission of COVID-19.

"Two additional cases are reported as having recovered, so there are now 21 active cases of COVID-19 in managed isolation facilities," a Ministry of Health spokesman said. "New Zealand's total number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 remains at 1219." 

On Sunday, 2125 tests were processed - 1134 of which were in managed isolation and quarantine facilities. To date, 496,606 have been processed.

"The number of tests yesterday was encouraging for a Sunday," the Ministry spokesman said.

"We've now passed 100 days without community transmission, but testing remains one of the best ways to ensure there's no undetected community transmission in New Zealand."

Health Minister Chris Hipkins, left, and Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield.
Health Minister Chris Hipkins, left, and Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield. Photo credit: Newshub.

Ministry of Health reiterates mask message

Kiwis continue to be encouraged to add masks to their earthquake emergency kits should COVID-19 re-emerge in the community.

The Government updated its advice on masks last week, with the World Health Organization suggesting people should be prepared for the use of them before an outbreak arises.

"While COVID-19 continues around the world, New Zealand cannot be complacent," the Ministry said.

"Our response to COVID-19 works on the basis that we should be prepared for a case of community transmission, and that that could happen at any time.

"We know there has been concern around supply issues, but we urge people to take the same approach as shopping for groceries during Alert Level 4 - shop normally and there will be sufficient masks for everyone."

The Ministry said every New Zealander needs to be prepared for COVID-19 to re-emerge.

"We have prepared for this eventuality by, among other things, scaling up our capacity in testing and contact tracing.

"Tracing contacts of cases of COVID-19 as quickly as possible would help stop the virus from spreading in our communities.

"That means now is the time to download and start using the NZ COVID Tracer app, if you haven't already downloaded it."