Christchurch gym owner's TikTok video about confrontation with alleged thief at Bunnings goes viral

A Christchurch woman's social media video detailing how she confronted a man allegedly breaking into cars outside her business has gone viral.

Lydia Donaldson, who owns Christchurch's Aerial 3 gym in the CBD, posted the video on TikTok at the weekend after a series of car break-ins outside her business last week.

In the video, she explains the opportunistic crimes and how the alleged thief would strike during one of her classes between 6:30pm and 7:30pm.

"As you can imagine, this is quite damaging for a business - especially a small business," she says in the video.

"So I've got the security footage of the guy… I went to Bunnings today [Saturday] and you'll never f**king guess it - this guy is standing at the checkouts at Bunnings."

The video shows a screenshot of the security footage from outside her gym alongside an image of the man in Bunnings.

"It's the same dude, eh? Like, there's no mistaking it - that's him.

"So, it's really funny. I'm actually Bunnings buying those signs to put on my business to say, 'Security cameras operating.'

"I waited for him outside Bunnings and stopped him as he came out and I was like, 'Excuse me, have you heard of Aerial3? … Well, it's a gym that I own and just so you know, I'm putting these security signs outside and I really hope I don't see you there again.'

"By the look on his face, I don't think he's going to come back," Donaldson says.

She told Newshub the offender hasn't returned since. Donaldson said she confronted the man to stand up for her clients and other small business owners in the area.

"I recognised his backpack at first… I wasn't too sure if I was going to stop him or not and then I saw him and I was like, 'Nah, f**k it' so I just walked up to him and told him not to come back.

Since posting the video, Donaldson said she's been contacted by others who allege the same man has been targeting cars outside their businesses too.

She said she's reported the break-ins to the police. Newshub has contacted the police for comment.