Church appeals for help after thief walked in and stole 'priceless' cross

  • 20/05/2022
St Matthews-In-the-City is appealing for help after the daylight theft of its cross.
St Matthews-In-the-City is appealing for help after the daylight theft of its cross. Photo credit: Supplied

The hunt for a cross stolen from St Matthews-In-the-City in central Auckland continues.

One week after after the heavy brass cross was stolen, Reverend Helen Jacobi is appealing to the public for its safe return.

She is devastated at the theft.

"It’s so silly. We hope whoever they are, that they do the right thing and bring it back."

CCTV footage captured at the church shows a masked man removing the cross from the high altar and walking away with it in his jacket.

The broad daylight theft has seen worship continue without ‘ the core symbol of christian faith’, says Jacobi.

"We’re open daily and it was a particularly busy day, with lots of people around the church. There was even a film crew outside. But we didn’t notice it was missing until it was too late."

The brass cross stands at about hip height and Jacobi says ‘it is really heavy.’ She was surprised the thief had carried it out successfully.

Jacobi said that while the stolen cross holds historic and religious value, it was also hard to put a price on it.

Church appeals for help after thief walked in and stole 'priceless' cross

"The cross is priceless."

"It usually sits at the centre of the church and it’s been around since about 1905. It was probably handmade and designed for the age."

St Matthews is looking into a replacement cross but Jacobi says they are hard to come by.

Police are investigating the matter.

Church appeals for help after thief walked in and stole 'priceless' cross