AM reporter Tia McDougall on losing te reo Māori as she grew older

  • 15/09/2022

AM reporter Tia McDougall says she lost some of her te reo Māori knowledge as she grew older.

Speaking to AM, McDougall said she was first introduced to te reo by her father when she was at primary school.

"He forced me and my little sister to learn how to recite a really long prayer, the Lord's Prayer, off by heart, which is a really long and difficult prayer, so learning it as a child was quite impressive," she said.

From then on, McDougall learned bits and pieces of the reo, taking part in school kapa haka and doing a karanga at assemblies. 

But McDougall said she lost some of the knowledge she had when she grew up and university became her main focus.

"I wish I knew more," she said. "Unfortunately, when you start to go to university and grow you kind of lose the practice that you have.

"I know at university we definitely kind of had to focus on that and learning the Māori language did get pushed aside."

McDougall said she hopes to learn more reo in the future.

"I, in the future, would really hope to learn more Māori, but for now it is where it is and I hope to learn more."

Watch the full video above.