Missing Wellington tramper runs out of toilet paper to make help sign, fortunately found alive

He could only write out 'He' from the word 'Help'.
He could only write out 'He' from the word 'Help'. Photo credit: NZ Police

A Wellington tramper who went missing while embarking on a five-day tramp in the Mt Holdsworth area was forced to make a 'help' sign out of toilet paper when the weather became too difficult.

He began his five-day tramp on September 28 in the Mt Holdsworth area of the Tararua Forest Park in the Wairarapa and stayed in several alpine huts.

However the 55-year-old's family become worried when the man didn't make contact as planned on October 6. When police were notified, search and rescue volunteers began searching for the man on October 7.

Rural community constable Selena Blayney said the man did not have a rescue beacon, and only completed a short portion of his intended route before weather conditions become too difficult.

"He spent several nights at Mid-Waiohine Hut and made a 'help' sign out of toilet paper which helped a rescue helicopter locate him."

Unfortunately, the man run out of toilet paper and could only write out 'He'. Nonetheless, the rescue helicopter found the man and he was flown out and reunited with friends and family.

Police thanked LandSAR volunteers for their help in the search.