Police attend incident on Barbary Ave in Kelston, Auckland

Police are currently attending an incident in Kelston, Auckland
Police are currently attending an incident in Kelston, Auckland Photo credit: Newshub

Police are attending an incident on Barbary Ave in Kelston, Auckland with at least five police cars and an ambulance incident support vehicle at the scene.

A Newshub reporter at the scene saw a person in handcuffs and being put in a police car.

A neighbour told Newshub he saw police pull over a vehicle and order three people to get out of the car.

The neighbour told Newshub he stayed inside the property for safety.

Police attend incident on Barbary Ave in Kelston, Auckland
Photo credit: Newshub

A Newshub reporter at the scene said cordons have been put in place on Laura Street.

A police spokesperson confirmed police are attending an incident in the suburb of Kelston, Auckland and they would provide further information when it becomes available.