Defence Force stationed abroad celebrate Christmas as goodies are shipped from Aotearoa

Christmas Day looks very different for our Defence Force personnel stationed abroad.

Some are able to celebrate with a taste of home while others are helping foreign Governments maintain peace and security.

Santa knows exactly where to find New Zealand soldiers stationed overseas.

From Egypt to the ice and the desert.

"All the way over here in Sinai to my family back to my family in New Zealand I'd like to send a heartfelt Merry Christmas to you all," Corporal Hiria Grant said

"Merry Christmas from Scott Base," a person stationed there said.

"Merry Christmas from Bahrain!" a third group said.

Santa also found those on solo missions too.

"From the lone Kiwi here and all of our partners on Op in Japan, we're wishing you a Merry Christmas," the soldier said.

More than 100 personnel were deployed across the globe on Christmas Day including to war-torn countries like Iraq.

"We're here advising the Iraqi Security Forces on how to be as effective as possible and maintain as much pressure on Daesh and prevent them from rising ever again," Lieutenant Colonel Steele said.

Major Scott was deployed to South Sudan where presents weren't the priority.

"Seventy-five percent of this country needs aid to be able to survive I think is pretty humbling so definitely missing friends and family but understand that we're away doing some important work," Major Scott said.

To bring our personnel closer to home, parcels from the RSA are among the supplies shipped out to our troops with goodies from Aotearoa.

"I'm definitely going to do some onion dip and chips for Christmas," Major Scott said

"'I'm probably the same. I'm totally excited for the chips and dip that's my favourite thing back home," Corporal Grant said.

Other tastes were not so normal.

"Some Pam's tinned salmon or something you don't think really it'd taste too appealing but it's just a nice taste of home," Lieutenant Colonel Steele said.

"A bit of chop chop chicken on the crackers goes a treat. Yeah, he's always going on about his protein hahaha," soldiers deployed in Antarctica said.

Troops were dishing out a little Christmas cheer in the Solomon Islands too by giving out some lollies.

Defence Force personnel doing their bit to make the world a safe and more festive place.