New Zealand and Australia swap flood rescue teams to help each other out

In an odd twist, New Zealand and Australia have swapped flood rescue teams.

A unit from Australia has arrived in Auckland to help with the big cleanup. Meanwhile, a team from New Zealand is already in Australia helping with flooding over there. 

Australia was hit with deadly floods in 2022 and the Kiwis were helping them when they found out more help was needed at home too. 

So, Australia's disaster relief teams have arrived to help Auckland with the big cleanup. They're former soldiers, firefighters and cops. 

"It's shocking. It's pretty bad, it hit really fast," said Australia disaster relief's Jye Ryan.

They call it mates helping mates and you could say, they're just returning the favour. 

The Taskforce Kiwi team have been lending a hand in 40C heat on a flood-damaged farm in New South Wales.

"The Kiwi banter is fantastic," one Australian told Newshub.

If their flood recovery is anything to go by - it's a long road ahead. 

In the town of Eugowra, the deadly floodwaters rose so fast that being rescued by roof was the only way out.

Most of the town including its shops and its home were destroyed. 

Entire neighbourhoods that families called home have been completely destroyed and divided by a natural disaster.

"It's a massive job. It's going to be months if not years to get back on their feet," Taskforce Kiwi's Jenny Calder told Newshub.

But the Australians are more familiar with flooding and believe Auckland was not. 

"It's bad because they are not prepared and didn't know about it," Ryan said.

But a helping hand is all it takes.

"Here as long as we need it and help out where we can," Ryan said.

A little help goes a long way especially when it comes all the way from another country.