Weather: Auckland's Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson urges public to prepare as Cyclone Gabrielle looms closer

Auckland's Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson has urged the public to be prepared as Cyclone Gabrielle looms closer to New Zealand.

Speaking at a press conference on Saturday just a fortnight after the city was devastated by heavy rain and flooding, Simpson asked residents to make sure they have emergency plans and supplies in place before Sunday.

"Think about your whānau, friends, pets and belongings - and prepare to leave if you need to," she said.

"The advice we are receiving is that this event will differ from what we have experienced two weeks ago. We need to prepare for very strong winds and coastal surges."

She asked people to make sure things are home are tied down, secured or put away, and warned there could be further power outages.

She added the Waste Solutions team have been working with the New Zealand Defence Force, "finalising curbside collections across the region".

"Please do not put any more flood-damaged items out. Remaining flood-damaged property should be stored and secured from strong winds until collections can resume," Simpson said.

Simpson said the Mayoral office is working with Auckland Emergency Management, Auckland Council as well as other agencies to prepare for the tropical cyclone.

"Please check on those who may not have the support you do - and please keep up to date on the official information channels and MetService forecasts. Use this time carefully to get prepared. Let's get through this together."

Auckland Emergency Management is preparing Civil Defence Centres and Shelter Sites in advance. There will be one in every local board area for people needing refuge from Cyclone Gabrielle - although the public is asked to shelter at home if possible.

Civil Defence Centres provide you with a safe place to eat, sleep and access essential support services, however supplies are limited and the public is asked to bring their own grab bag, sleeping bags and other essentials.

Shelters provide immediate refuge and blankets, tea and coffee will be provided. However shelters aren't intended to be used for extended stays. 

The addresses of the evacuation centres will be published on

Information on what to buy before the cyclone hits can be found on the Get Ready website.