AM's Melissa Chan-Green, Ryan Bridge clash over arts funding

  • 27/03/2023

AM's co-hosts have clashed over whether arts should be cut back as Auckland Council grapples with a $295 million deficit in the budget.

The topic arose when Melissa Chan-Green shared she spent her Friday at the library, a community food truck event and an arts festival performance, which reinforced to her that these events wouldn't be possible if Auckland Council cut back funding.

"I do feel passionately about not cutting back on those services, particularly when it comes to cultural festivals because cultural festivals are about social cohesion, social understanding of each other, they are really important things," Chan-Green said.

"I think this arts funding should be looked at as an essential, not a nice to have."

However, Ryan Bridge disagreed, pointing out necessities the council pays for such as fixing roads and collecting rubbish. He said the council needs to come up with almost $300 million or increase Aucklanders' rates by 13 percent.

"Do you need arts to survive? Would you die without arts?" Bridge fired back.

"I know what you're saying, it is really, really important but it's not fundamental to life."

But Chan-Green disagreed, saying arts are fundamental to people who may not have enough money to buy books or cultural minorities that wouldn't have festivals to make them feel appreciated and valued in New Zealand.

"I don't think it needs to be an 'and, or'," she said.

Watch the video above.