Mayor's best friend: Tory Whanau in hot water for office dog, so should canines be allowed in the workplace?

Wellington's Mayor Tory Whanau is under fire for having her dog in the office - the problem is the City Council's leased building is reportedly not allowed animals. 

But it appears dogs at work are becoming increasingly normal. 

New Zealand's Parliament is the centre of our democracy, where not only politicians roam the halls of power but their dogs do too, including Local Government Minister Kieran McAnulty's dog Zoi. 

"There's no shortage of dogs here in Parliament. It makes for a cool atmosphere."

Zoi is Minister McAnulty's three-year-old rescue greyhound. Both her mum and dad work at Parliament, so she's here most days. 

"Our respective offices fight over who gets her for the day," Minister McAunlty said. 

Because, he says, Zoi makes everything better.

"Just having a dog in the office not even doing anything just puts people in a good mood."

But the same can't be said at Wellington City Council. Mayor Whanau is copping a bit of flack over her dog Teddy spending time at the office

The problem is the building is reportedly not allowed animals, but the Mayor's office told Stuff the landlord hadn't asked her to stop bringing him in.

Newshub asked the council whether it'd ask the landlord to change its policy so everyone could bring in their dogs, but a spokesperson declined to comment. 

But the staff at Flick Electric would 100 percent recommend taking your dog to work. 

"This is the first place I've worked at with dogs… It's so cool cause it just livens the environment and makes it feel a little bit less like the daily grind," said employee Liam Quinn. 

"It helps keep things that positive and uplifting vibe that we really want to cultivate here at Flick," employee Murphy Cater told Newsub.

It's rare to have a day at Flick Electric without a dog in the office.

And while it won't work for every workplace, Kezia Thompson says having pups like Peach make the tough moments easier. 

"It's a good destresser, especially for me if I need to go out and get some air, I'll just go and take Peach for a walk."

And in stressful environments like Parliament, perhaps that's why pups are so popular.