Tauranga's biggest mystery solved: Pole cemented into woman's driveway explained

Tauranga's biggest mystery surrounding a pole that was cemented into a woman's driveway has been solved. 

It was a story that grappled the nation, but finally, after a week of searching for answers, Tauranga local Sophie Hucker can rest. 

Last Tuesday Hucker arrived home to find a rectangular-shaped pole had been cemented into her driveway, the only problem was she didn't ask for it.

"I have no idea. I want answers just as much as anyone else does now," Hucker told Newshub last week.

So Hucker went searching for answers. She polled her neighbourhood, local council and even was suggested to ring the Police. 

"I'm not going to get angry about something that I can't necessarily control or anything right now. And it's provided a lot of laughs for everyone else, so, I'll take that," she said last week. 

From the get-go, Hucker believed the pole had been delivered to the wrong address. On Friday she told Newshub a separate family is probably waiting for a driveway pole to make their life complete. 

Turns out Hucker was right. An unnamed fencing company was reportedly responsible for the pole and had indeed installed it at the wrong address.

The pole has now been removed and the damage is covered with fresh concrete. For Hucker, she received a bottle of bubbles in apology.