Video: Adorable moment 1yo tackles Dunedin's Baldwin St

  • 31/10/2023

Footage has captured the adorable moment a 1-year-old girl made it to the summit of the world's steepest street - Dunedin's Baldwin St.  

Emrie Stockwell, who's only been walking for seven weeks, can be seen walking up the hilly road alongside her mother Kelly as her brothers cheer her on.  

Kelly told the Otago Daily Times Emrie insisted on walking the whole way.  

"Emrie's three older brothers took off running up the hill and Emrie didn't want to be outshone so she started walking," Kelly said. "Emrie carried on, at no time did she indicate she wanted to be picked up or had had enough." 

"We were proud as punch she stood next to the sign at the top," she told the ODT.  

Baldwin St.
Photo credit: ODT/AM

The family, from Timaru, has a tradition of travelling to Dunedin for birthday trips.  

"That's a lot of walks up Baldwin St," joked AM host Melissa Chan-Green.  

Watch the full video for more.