Restore Passenger Rail protesters spray paint windows of luxury Auckland car yards

  • 06/12/2023

Restore Passenger Rail protesters have spray-painted the windows of two luxury Auckland car yards on Wednesday morning.  

The two car yards that were targeted were on Great North Road in Grey Lynn and are owned by the Giltrap Group, which is home to cars like Lamborghini, Aston Martin and Porsche.   

The protesters spray-painted the windows with red paint and with the message "your luxuries our floods".  

Restore Passenger Rail protesters spray paint windows of luxury Auckland car yards
Photo credit: Supplied
Restore Passenger Rail protesters spray paint windows of luxury Auckland car yards
Photo credit: Supplied

"Their luxuries are our floods. Their greed is killing us" said Restore Passenger Rail spokesperson Joseph J Fullerton in a statement.  

"This new government is encouraging it. Those buying these obscenely expensive cars, up to $600,000 a shot, are getting richer while their excesses fuel more floods, cyclones and droughts. Meanwhile food banks are getting busier than ever in the lead-up to Christmas. Climate breakdown and inequality are connected. They're the two evil twins, made worse by the greed symbolised in these luxury cars." 

Restore Passenger Rail has been in the headlines a lot this year and last year for their protests, which were primarily based in Wellington and saw the demonstrators block traffic.  

Giltrap Group retail chief executive Dane Fisher told Newshub it was disappointing to see the vandalism.

"We understand the concerns about climate change and acknowledge that many in Auckland and around the country are doing it tough," Fisher said.

"Giltrap Group are actively working to address these issues by continually growing our range of CO2-neutral vehicles to tackle climate change and is committed to reducing our carbon footprint; we have also donated significantly to organisations like the City Mission, Starship Hospital, and the Salvation Army to support the community during these challenging times."

Fisher said Giltrap Group respects people's right to a peaceful protest and freedom of expression but believes there are better ways to go about it.

"We believe that discussions about climate change and inequality can be more productive through dialogue and cooperation rather than acts of vandalism. We remain committed to being part of the solution for a better, more equitable, and sustainable New Zealand," Fisher said.