Police provide update on missing Marokopa man Tom Phillips and his three children

Police have renewed their calls for sightings of Tom Phillips and his three children Ember, Maverick and Jayda. 

In an update on Tuesday, Acting Detective Inspector Andrew Saunders said the focus for police remains to bring the children "home". 

Phillips has been on the run for over two years.

Despite recent sightings of the Phillips, and police releasing CCTV footage of his visit to two Hamilton Bunnings Warehouse stores – authorities have been unable to catch up with him.

Acting Detective Inspector Saunders remains confident the wanted man is hiding out in Western Waikato within Marokopa or the surrounding areas.

"Although the environment is challenging for investigators, we continue to devote resources to this operation and follow up on reported sightings". 

One of those sightings includes an alleged aggravated robbery at the Piopio suprette store. 

Phillips is facing charges including aggravated robbery, aggravated wounding and unlawful possession of a firearm. 

Police say they are unable to comment on speculation and rumours about help Phillips may be receiving and his potential involvement in a robbery at a bank in Te Kūiti. 

While the investigation continues, Acting Detective Inspector Saunders says they're continue to review the evidence and are appealing to the public to pass on any details that could help the three children be reunited with their family. 

"At this time, there is no plan to offer a reward".

Police consider Phillips to be armed and say he should not be approached.

People are urged not to take any action if they see Phillips themselves, instead they should call 111 with immediate or current information or 105 for past information that needs to be followed up. Please cite file number 211218/5611.

Police have also set up a dedicated email address for members of the public to report any information they may have: op.curly@police.govt.nz.