Auckland charity TYLA says it's at risk of closing

  • 13/05/2024
For nearly 30 years the TYLA Youth Trust has helped Aotearoa's most at-risk young people turn their lives around.
For nearly 30 years the TYLA Youth Trust has helped Aotearoa's most at-risk young people turn their lives around. Photo credit: Getty Images

The Turn Your Life Around Youth Development Trust ('TYLA') has launched an urgent appeal for public funding.  

The Auckland-based charity was established in 1996 to tackle the underlying causes of youth crime in Aotearoa, and work with youth offenders to "get their lives back on track".

For the last 30 years, the charity has operated out of the Auckland suburbs of Ōtara and Avondale. 

But Co-General Manager Jolene Cartwright said they are now "as at risk as the young people," and will be forced to close their doors without urgent funding.  

"Like many charities, funding is a constant struggle, but our position is more precarious than it has ever been, just when the need is at greatest." 

Therapeutic mentoring is at the core of all TYLA programmes, which involves working with rangatahi on an individual basis - rather than in a group. TYLA said it allows them to create a plan based on their unique situation and needs

"We know that once people enter the youth justice system it is much harder to get them out. Intervention at a young age is proven to reduce the likelihood of offending," Cartwright said. 

The organisation is seeking $100,000 to fill its current funding gap and is calling on the New Zealand public for support. 

TYLA said it had reached out to the relevant ministers for a meeting. 

If you wish to donate money to TYLA, you can at