Call for Māori to to take action on Budget Day this Thursday

  • 27/05/2024
The social media call to action.
The social media call to action. Photo credit: Toitū Te Tiriti

The Coalition Government's gearing up to release its first Budget on Thursday, but there are calls for Māori to take action to coincide with the day. 

"Aotearoa, maranga mai! Enough is enough. The rangatira revolution is here," an Instagram post shared by Toitū Te Tiriti said, adding that more information was to come.

"Our intent is to demonstrate the beginning of a unified Aotearoa response to the Government's assault on tangata whenua and Te Tiriti o Waitangi," its website added. 

The message of a nationwide activation was jointly shared by Te Pāti Māori and its co-leader Rawiri Waititi. 

Aotearoa musician Stan Walker has also gotten behind the movement, sharing the post on his social media. Te Pāti Māori co-leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer shared flame emojis in the comments on this post.   

In the comments someone asked to be filled in on what the action was, to which someone replied: "Protest response to indigenous oppressive government policy."

This second day of activation comes after a nationwide day of action in December

Te Pāti Māori called for protests against the new government's policies on co-governance and the Treaty. The first protests coincided with the opening day of Parliament.

A spokesperson from the office of Tama Potaka, the Minister for Māori Development and Māori Crown Relations: Te Arawhiti, told Newshub the Government's Budget would support all New Zealanders.

"New Zealanders, including Te Pāti Māori and its supporters, are entitled to organise lawful protest. That is part of our democracy," the spokesperson said.

"As a Government, we are focused on delivering a responsible budget that will support Māori and all New Zealanders with the cost of living and boost essential frontline services. We believe the vast majority of New Zealanders will be genuinely interested in how the Budget will help them and their whānau."