Paddy Gower says 'idiot' who body-slammed orca in Auckland should be jailed

Patrick Gower has described the man who was filmed leaping into the ocean near a pair of orca in Devonport earlier this year as an "idiot" and a "bastard". 

The man was fined $600 after the video, filmed in February, was reported to the Department of Conservation (DoC). 

The footage shows the 50-year-old man jumping into the ocean with his arms outstretched, above an adult and baby orca. 

Newshub's Patrick Gower joined the AM panel on Wednesday, along with stand-up comedian Sam Smith to discuss the fine and whether it was enough of a consequence. 

"I can't believe it. Only $600? That's what you'd pay to do a swim with the dolphins kind of experience," Smith said. 

"Yeah, I just think jail the bastard," Gower said. "A $600 fine isn't enough, that is animal cruelty to one of the most beautiful animals on earth. He is an idiot, he is a munter." 

"A $600 fine isn't enough, I would prefer to see him inside doing time," Gower added.

"As for the skipper of the ship, the law of the sea is I understand the skipper of the ship is responsible, so I don't know, Torpedo the bloody boat.

"I don't know if we are capable of torpedoing boats, but we should be," he laughed. 

DoC told Newshub the video appeared to show the man deliberately trying to touch or "body slam the orca".   

They said the man displayed "a shocking and stupid attitude to protected marine mammals".   

DoC principal investigation officer Hayden Loper said the 50-year-old Auckland man showed reckless disregard for his own safety - and that of the adult male orca with a calf swimming near the vessel.   

Anyone who sees an incident they believe may breach conservation legislation can call 0800 DOC HOT (0800 362 468).