Scott Watson artwork to go on display

  • 16/05/2024

Carvings by Scott Watson are set to go on display at a gallery in the Christchurch town of Lyttleton.  

The Whakaraupo Carving Centre Trust (WCCT), the exhibition's organisers, said it will showcase some of Watson's whakiro and rauangi (carving/visual art) which he had produced during his 26 years in prison.  

Dubbed 'in the public eye', the exhibition would be open to the public at Lyttleton's Rei Gallery from 6pm next Friday until June 20.   

"Over the past decade the WCCT has supported both Māori and non-Māori prisoners with their release from prison, and with their reintegration back into their communities," the trust said. "This is done by providing a Māori kura kaupapa whose primary aims are uplifting tikanga, kawa and Mātauranga. 

"This is achieved by supporting the tino rangatiratanga and mana motuhake of individual creative practices, skill sets and aspirations."  

Watson has spent about half his life behind bars. He was convicted in 1999 of the murders of Ben Smart and Olivia Hope - a crime he maintains he didn't commit.

"Over the last 26 years, Scott's been incarcerated, he's been doing a lot of developing his art and carving, and we felt there was a story there. And we wanted to support that story being released out into the community," WCCT trustee Tahu Stirling told The Press.  

Watson will again fight for his freedom by trying to overturn his convictions in an appeal set for June. 
