Steep rise in thieves taking copper from Christchurch powerlines, leading to electricity outages

  • 28/05/2024

Thieves taking copper from powerlines in Christchurch are putting themselves and others at "extreme risk", police say. 

A steep rise in copper stealing from lines has caused electricity outages throughout the city in recent weeks. 

The cables were often left in an "exposed and dangerous state" after the thefts had taken place, a police statement said. 

"On one occasion powerlines were tampered with and left broken outside of a Phillip St preschool," Senior Sergeant Roy Appley said.  

"Our message to offenders is to stop this behaviour before someone, including yourself, gets hurt." 

He called on the community to provide any information to the police that might help identify the offenders. 

"We need Christchurch residents to be aware of the risk of exposed or damaged wires - do not touch them and call Orion on 0800 363 9898 straight away," said Snr Sgt Appley. 

"Police urge residents to ring 111 immediately if you see anyone acting suspiciously around power poles and lines, or 105 after the fact." 
