Two runners rescued from Tararua Forest Park

The pair were found at 1000m altitude several hours from the nearest road.
The pair were found at 1000m altitude several hours from the nearest road. Photo credit: LandSAR.

Two people have been rescued from Tararua Forest Park overnight after they got lost while on a run.

Police's LandSAR (Land Search and Rescue) teams picked up the pair shortly after 7pm on Tuesday.

Sergeant Anthony Matheson said the runners were training for an upcoming event and attempted to run a 32km circuit from Waiohine Gorge.

They lost their way as it got dark while descending from Mt Neil.

"They were lightly equipped, and sub-zero temperatures were forecast for overnight, so time was of the essence in finding them," said Sgt Matheson.

Hawke's Bay Rescue helicopter dropped off a LandSAR team to nearby Mt Cone to pick the pair up at 1000m altitude.

They were found several hours walk from the closest road, shivering under a survival blanket, and were flown out before it started raining.

A paramedic assessed the pair but they weren't deemed to need further medical treatment.

Sgt Matheson said the incident serves as a good reminder to the public to be prepared when running or tramping.

"Forests like the Tararua Forest Park can be harsh and unforgiving during the colder months," he said.

Police recommend learning about the routes you take, knowing your limits, checking the weather forecast often, packing warm clothes and extra food, and being prepared for bad weather and an unexpected night out in the cold.

They also say to tell a trusted person where you're going, and to take a distress beacon.